Stammerers Through
University Consultancy

Supporting University Students
and Staff who Stammer

About Us
Academic Staff
Non Academic Staff
Total People Involved in UK Higher Education
Potential Outreach based on 1% population who stammer
Stammerers Through University Consultancy (STUC) is the world's only initiative which solely aims to support student and staff in higher education who stammer.
Founded by Claire Norman in 2014 as a result of her own experiences, STUC endeavours to ensure those who stammer in high education are not disadvantaged and can reach their full potential, no matter what their role.
* Figures according to HESA (https://www.hesa.ac.uk) statistics from 2017/18.
This final figure is an estimated calculation which does not take into account the number of people who stammer who have not disclosed.
Newcastle University
University College London
(with University College London Students' Union)
Imperial College London
University of York
University of Kent
King's College London
Leeds Trinity University
University of St. Andrews
City University London
University of the Arts London
(with University of the Arts London Students' Union)
University of East Anglia Students' Union
De Montfort University - Leicester
Bath Spa University
SOAS (University of London)
University of Sheffield
University of Essex
University of Hertfordshire
University of Aberdeen
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
London South Bank University
University of Warwick Students' Union

Professor Seán Hand
Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Europe): University of Warwick
"As a French Studies graduate (whom I had the privilege of teaching), Claire is acutely aware of how stammering influences every aspect of how we are able to communicate and behave orally. [...] University life is precisely a time of intense discursive interaction. This excellent initiative rightly looks to gain the same recognition and help for stammerers that exists for those disadvantaged by [other conditions]. Given its focus on both [...] performance and wellbeing, I hope that every university can become a partner in this important project."
Colum McGuire
Vice President of Welfare & Student Rights: National Union of Students (NUS)
“University can be an exciting and liberating time for people, but it can also be intimidating and frightening if you have specific access needs. This project seeks to go a long way in helping students with stammers to get the best of their educational experience – both in the classroom and outside of it. I look forward to seeing how this project develops and the difference it can make to students lives and their campuses.”
Tony Stevens
Project Lead: Education and Careers, Disability Rights UK
"We congratulate Claire on setting up this resource which we will continue to refer to when we get enquiries on stammering to our disabled student helpline. We encourage universities to take up the opportunity to host a focus group and become partners on this initiative."

Hosting Focus Groups and Seminars
STUC hosts focus groups and seminars on your campus to discuss where the establishment is and is not supporting those who stammer
Consulting on Best Practice
STUC will discuss with you how students and staff who stammer can be best supported, to suit the structure of your establishment
Presenting at Events and Conferences
STUC can present findings and outcomes of the process at your events, nationwide or internationally
When an establishment signs up to become a Member of STUC, a focus group is arranged to discuss with staff and students what is and is not in place to support them, any concerns, questions, et cetera. Findings are then summarised and distributed among attendees.
A seminar is then arranged where plan of action is finalised and put into place, to improve upon current procedures and fill in support gaps mentioned in the focus group. The process can vary depending on the setup and needs of the establishment.
If you are interested in signing up or have further questions, please visit the Get In Touch page.

Get In Touch

STUC is a voluntary initiative, from which no salary is taken and is wholly self-funded. STUC also relies on the generosity of those who truly believe in its cause.
If you would like to make a donation to STUC to help it function, please click on the "I want to help" button below. Your donation will go towards the running of STUC, including marketing, travel and projects.
Your kindness is ever so appreciated.