Besides the university-based focus groups and seminars, STUC presents (and has presented) at external events. These are listed below.
STUC 2021 Summer Conference:
Friday 18th June
STUC shall be hosting its second conference in the summer of 2021, in collaboration with the University of Hertfordshire and their Students' Union..
Owing to Covid-19 restrictions, the conference will take place virtually.
Click here to buy a ticket (free for University of Hertfordshire staff & students, otherwise £5).
Association Bégaiement
Communication (ABC)
STUC's founder, Claire, was invited to be a keynote speaker at the ABC annual conference in Montreal, Canada. Held in October 2019, this conference was part of the association's International Stammering Awareness Day events.
Claire delivered her speech in French, to ABC members, local speech therapists and other professionals.
Silence On Campus:
Making a Noise about Stammering
STUC hosted its first conference on January 19th 2019, in the Brunei Gallery at STUC partner SOAS' central London campus.
There were over 75 attendees in person and over a thousand live streams all over the world, from America to Australia.
International Fluency Association's (IFA) World Congress
STUC was fortunate enough to be selected to present a seminar at the IFA's World Congress in Hiroshima, Japan, in July 2018.